When you see the mark, you know! #ItsOnlyFair

What is the Fairtrade Mark?
It’s a certification label that lets you know a product meets certain social, economic, and environmental standards. It stands for how Fairtrade is for producers, by producers.
See how our favourite artists captured the spirit of the fairtrade mark!

Ty Dale (BC)
“Sometimes I write ‘drink coffee’ in my to-do list, just so I feel like I accomplished something in a day.”

Ana Roy (QC)
“I love to dance in my kitchen at all hours of the day, but especially in the morning while I prepare my coffee! It helps energize me so I can tackle the day.”

Paige Jung (BC)
“Every so often, using my Fairtrade coffee, I’ll switch up my regular americano coffee and make an oat milk latte instead. I attempt to make different shapes and animals with the foam — although most of the time it just looks like a blob and I have to use my imagination!”

Benoit Tardif (QC)
“I’ve been doing illustrations for a coffee company for a few years now. For their packaging, they asked me to draw a family of producers who they work with and sent me some photos for reference. So when I prepare my coffee in the morning, I see the bag and I sort of feel like I know the people who made it.”

Char Bataille (QC)
“During this last year of the pandemic, I learned to play the ukelele. I play in the morning, after my coffee. It’s taught me a lot about patience and the fact that, often, talent is actually just loads of practice. Having a morning ritual — coffee, yogurt, and ukele – helps me stay calm, as much as is possible, during this difficult pandemic”

Rafael Mayani (QC)
“My one-year-old Rio could eat bananas all day every day. There’s a gesture in baby sign language that means ‘more.’ I’m pretty sure Rio figured it out just so he could ask for more bananas. In a way, bananas have been really important to Rio’s development. Who knows, maybe they’ll inspire him to start talking!”

Teenadult Kezna Dalz (QC)
“I enjoy grinding the beans for way longer than I should. I actually stare at the grinder because it’s a fun process to watch and, also, it smells delicious! :)”

Mateusz Napieralski (ON)
“I’m a huge coffee lover, but it wasn’t until I worked with Fairtrade Canada that I learned about the process of growing and harvesting coffee. Knowing how much work goes into creating perfect coffee beans makes me enjoy my morning coffee so much more!”

Sabina Fenn (ON)
“When I was a kid, my dad and I ate a lot of bananas. He’d always say: ‘WOW this is the BEST banana I’ve EVER had!’ and it would make me laugh every time. I still giggle now whenever I eat a banana and think back to that memory!”