Fairtrade Certification
The certification process is a rigorous one, and we are with you every step of the way.
After connecting with our team and going through the business assessment, it’s time to enter the certification stage. This is when you certify your supply chain, get permission to trade on Fairtrade terms and become an official Fairtrade partner.
FLOCERT Application
Connect with FLOCERT, the third-party auditing group that we work with exclusively. We can help you determine what’s best for your business—certifying your existing supply chain or tapping into one that’s already certified. With a better understanding of what you need, you’ll submit a FLOCERT application along with their associated fees.
Permission to Trade
Your application will be reviewed and, if approved, you will receive a Permission to Trade (PTT), which means you can now start officially sourcing Fairtrade products. Your brand is still not able to use the trusted Fairtrade Mark on your packaging, though. That’s the next step.
Artwork & Recipe Approval
Our Compliance Team will review the recipe and supply chains of the products you wish to label, making sure they were sourced from Fairtrade certified farms and meet any ingredient thresholds. The team will also help you correctly position and use the Fairtrade Mark on your certified products’ labels. Both of these actions are done through our partner portal Connect, which you’ll get training on. Any new products you launch in the future will go through the same steps.
Product Launch
We are excited to partner with you to celebrate the launch of your newly Fairtrade certified product!
Ready to get Fairtrade certified?
We’re in this together. Get in touch with the Fairtrade Canada team and we’ll work with you to better understand your business, your specific needs, and help you create a plan for getting certified.